PESO React Payment NextJS App Landing Pages & Templates

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PESO - React NextJS payment and app landing pages & templates is a modern, creative and saas-based react-bootstrap template. It builds using React, React-Bootstrap, SCSS, Typescript, and NextJS.

It is perfect for agencies & companies that provide payment or financial services or want to provide respective services in the future. It is also ideal to describe the dashboard feature or SaaS-based dashboards.

These landing pages & templates come with 4+ homepage versions & a blog with a detail page. With nextJS functional components are used to build web pages. Every landing page template is sections-based or components-based that provides flexibility to agencies and companies to easily customize and up to create high-quality web applications without any hassle.

PESO - React NextJS payment and app landing pages & templates are easy to customize or edit. All code is well-structured, organized, divided into small components, and commented to help you build modern web applications at high speeds.

PESO - React NextJS payment and app landing pages & templates is fully responsive and works with all modern browsers and mobile devices. Buy or purchase this app & payment landing pages & templates and get one year free of cost support.

This template also comes with an HTML bootstrap version called PESO Payment App Landing Pages & Templates.


  • 4+ Page Variants, Blog & Blog Detail Pages
  • Built on React, Typescript, SCSS, Bootstrap 5, React-Bootstrap and NextJS
  • Working Contact form integrated with PHP
  • All form's with UI Validations
  • Login and Sign Up Form
  • Youtube video pop up integration
  • Google Fonts and Themify Icons
  • React Functional Components
  • Fully Mobile Responsive
  • 1 Year premium support
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Easy to Customize components

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PESO React Payment NextJS App Landing Pages & Templates

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